1. Aggregation – Maharishi
taken from the single Sunshine Superman/Maharishi (LHI 1209) 1968
Line-up: LeWayne Braun (lead gtr, vcls), Dale Burt (piano, organ, vcls), Bayard Gregory (drms, timpani, bongos, tambourine, vcls), Leo Potts (flute, clarinet, sax, recorder, kazoo, vcls), Lemoyne Taylor (flute, clarinet, sax, slide whistle, vcls). Band origin: Los Angeles (California)
2. Joyride – Crystal Ship
taken from the single
The Crystal Ship/Coming Soon (World Pacific 77877) 1967
Line-up: unknown. Band origin: Los Angeles (California)
3. Thorinshield – Life Is A Dream
taken from the single The Best Of It/Life Is A Dream (Philips 40492) 1967
Line-up: James Smith (gtr, vcls), Bobby Ray (bs, vcls), Terry Hand (drms, vcls). Band origin: Los Angeles (California)
4. Chocolate Tunnel - Ostrich People
taken from the single
Highly Successful Young Rupert White/Ostrich People
(In-Sound 403/Era 3185) 1967
Line-up incl.: Kenny Johnson (lead gtr, vcls), Jerry Ritchie (bs).
Band origin: Bakersfield (California)
5. Zone 26 – Chose To Walk
taken from the single
Chose To Walk/When The World Turns Cold (World Pacific 77896) 1967
Line-up incl.: Brian Monsour (keyb'ds). Band origin: Los Angeles (California)
6. Power – She Is The Color
taken from the single
Children Ask [If He Is Dead]/She Is The Color
(Showplace WS 218/MGM K 13815) 1967
Line-up: Robin Johnston (lead gtr, vcls), John Romero (lead vcls, gtr), Joe Romero (bs, vcls), Jim Sanchez (keyb'ds, vcls), Joe Rodriguez (drms, vcls).
Band origin: Torrance/Hawthorne (California)
7. Earth Island – Doomsday Afternoon
taken from the single
Doomsday Afternoon/Tuesday Afternoon (Philips DJP 62 40673) 1970
Line-up: Bruce Doshier (lead gtr, flute, vcls), Bill Liska (gtr, vcls), Richard Vanderwoerdt (gtr, keyb'ds, vcls), Nicholas Rush (drms, vcls).
Band origin: Canada → Los Angeles (California)
8. Morning Glory – I See A Light
taken from the single Need Someone/I See A Light (Fontana 1613) 1968
Line-up: Gini Graybeal (lead vcls, cymbals, tamb), Bob Bohanna (bs, gtr, vcls), Larry Gerughty (organ, piano, harpsichord, vcls), Allen Wehr (drms).
Band origin: San Francisco (California)
9. Elfstone - Beat The Clock
taken from the single
Louisiana Teardrops/Beat The Clock (World Pacific 77912) 1968
Line-up: unknown. Band origin: Los Angeles (California)
10. Canterbury Fair – Days I Love
taken from the single Song On A May Morning/Days I Love (Koala 8081) 1968
Line-up: Phillip Hollingsworth (bs, keyb'ds, vcls), John Hollingsworth (keyb'ds, vcls), Joe Lo Freso (keyb'ds), Sean Corsaro (drms).
Band origin: Fresno (California)
11. Lewis & Clarke Expedition – Daddy's Plastic Child
taken from the single
Daddy's Plastic Child/Gypsy Song Man (Colgems 1028) 1968
Line-up: Ken Bloom (lead gtr, autoharp, clarinet, sax, flute, organ), Boomer Clarke [aka Owen Castleman] (gtr, perc, vcls), Travis Lewis [aka Michael Martin Murphy] (gtr, hrmnca, vcls), John London (gtr, bs, perc), Johnny Raines (drms, perc). Band origin: Dallas (Texas)
12. Gale Garnett - I Make Him Fly
taken from the single The Sun Is Gray/I Make Him Fly (RCA 47-9020) 1967
Line-up incl.: Gale Zoë Garnett (vcls), Mike Deasy (gtr), Van Dyke Parks (keyb'ds), Earl Palmer (drms). Origin: Los Angeles (California)
13. Rejoice – Golden Gate Park
taken from the single Golden Gate Park/Sonora (Dunhill D-4158) 1968
Line-up incl.: Tom Brown (vcls), Nancy Brown (vcls), Michael Patrick Moore (drms). Additional musicians: Hal Blaine (drms), Joe Osborne (bs), Larry Knechtel (piano). Band origin: Marin County (California)
14. Looking Glass - If I Never Love Again
taken from the single
Silver And Sunshine [How Wonderful Is Our Love]/If I Never Love Again
(Valiant 750) 1967
Line-up: Ron Andre (vcls), Bonnie Andre [aka Bonnie Donato] (vcls), Linda Donato (vcls). Band origin: Sacramento (California)
15. Peppermint Trolley Co. - It's A Lazy Summer Day
taken from the single It's A Lazy Summer Day/Blue Eyes (Acta 809) 1967
Line-up: Danny Faragher (vcls, clavinet, organ, trombone, piano, perc), Jimmy Faragher (vcls, bs, perc), Casey Cunningham (drms, perc). Additional musician: James Fleming Rasmussen (gtr).
Band origin: Redlands (California)
16. Knack – Pretty Daisy
taken from the single Pretty Daisy/Banana Man (Capitol 5940) 1967
Line-up: Mike Chain (lead vcls, gtr), Dink Kaplan (gtr), Larry Gould (bs, vcls), Pug Baker (drms). Band origin: Los Angeles (California)
17. Family Album – Get Together
taken from the single Get Together/Mind Beside Mine (December 875) 1967
Line-up: unknown. Band origin: California
18. Chris & Craig – I Need You
taken from the single Isha/I Need You (Capitol 5694) 1966
Line-up incl.: Craig Smith (gtr, vcls), Chris Ducey (gtr, vcls).
Band origin: Los Angeles (California)
19. Zone 26 – When The World Turns Cold
See Track 5
20. Carmel Covered Popcorn – Suzie Q
taken from the single Suzie Q/Looking For A Place (Vistone 2055) 1968
Line-up: unknown. Band origin: Los Angeles (California)
21. People – Riding High
taken from the single Organ Grinder/Riding High (Capitol 5920) 1967
Line-up: Gene Mason (vcls), Larry Norman (vcls), Jeoff Levin (gtr), Robb Levin (bs), Albert Ribisi (organ), Denny Fridkin (drms).
Band origin: San Jose (California)
22. Yankee Dollar – Mucky Truckee River
taken from the single
Mucky Truckee River/Reflections Of A Shattered Mind (Dot 17213) 1969
Line-up: Liza Gonzales (vcls), Dave Riordan (vcls), Greg Likins (gtr), Bill Reynolds (bs), Bill Masuda (organ), Nick Alexander (drms).
Band origin: San Luis Obispo (California)
23. Knack - Banana Man
See Track 16
24. Meditations – Transcendental Meditation
taken from the single
Transcendental Meditation/Beautiful Experience
(World Pacific 77876) 1967
Line-up: unknown. Band origin: California
25. Aggregation – Sunshine Superman
See Track 1
Get it here
Listen to Zone 26 – Chose To Walk
Listen to Canterbury Fair – Days I Love