Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Creation Of Sunlight (1969)

From Long Beach/California, this is the band's sole platter. Their music is a mix of psych-pop and soft psychedelic, comparable to the Strawberry Alarm Clock. This CD was released on the Mystic label (Mystic 7 / 1997) but I have heard there was also a release recently with a better sound and bonus tracks. They have also a web-site

- David
- Rush Hour Blues
- Light Without Heat
- In The Middle Of Happy
- Hammonds Eggs
- Sometimes A Woman
- Second Thoughts
- Seven Times Infinity
- Colors Of Love
- The Fun Machine

Gary Young (lead vcls)
Carl Estrella (lead gtr)
Don Sain (rhythm gtr)
Steve Montague (bs)
Jerry Griffin (keyb'ds, vcls)
Ron Clark (flute, sax, perc)
Bob Morgan (drms)

Band origin:
Long Beach (California/US)

1. Sunstroke (DCT Recorders acetate) 1968
2. Creation Of Sunlight (Windi ST 1001-1002) 1969

[1. as Sunlights' Seven]

1. Sometimes A Woman/Colors Of Love (Windi W-1001/2) 1968
2. David/The Fun Machine (Windi W-1005/6) 1968

[1. as Sunlight]

Get it here (Artwork included)

Listen to In The Middle Of Happy


Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed "Colors of love" Thank you for this download
Jason T.

Anonymous said...

Thankx, great record. Today, a classic.

Anonymous said...

Thankx. Great album 60s like Strawberry. I agree. Merci beaucoup.

Anonymous said...

Hi, thanx for all the sharing friend, lot of interestin psych stuff, one request: is it possible to post if you have the Hilton Valentine - all in your mind record from 1969, actually the animals guitar player


Buffalo Billycan said...

Sorry Christian, the Hilton Valentine album is not in my collection.

Anonymous said...

This is a quiet and very good record, full of "good sunny melodies" , just what it's necessary during winter .Not very original ,but just gentle and each time you are listening it , you will get a big smile on your face .
Thanks for sharing this very good music
Noel from Belgium .

Anonymous said...

Faintly Blowing?? Hardly either! This is some strong stuff and does it ever NOT ''blow''. Great blog. Great rekkid. Great thanks!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanx a lot!